Trade Show Apparel

Trade Show Apparel

Trade shows and conventions are a unique opportunity to promote your brand to potential customers in a focused time frame, so it’s important to uniform your employees in the image you are paying for. Compliment your display with the proper selection of shirt colors, styles, or shirt decoration. Below is a feature selection of our favorite trade show shirts. We have hundreds to pick from ... give us a call, and we’ll be happy to help your make a selection.

Embroidered Trade Show PoloEmbroidered Trade Show SweaterTrade Show Dress Shirts










This is a time to be noticed. Sure you want to compliment the trade show booth you’ve spent thousands of dollars on, but you don’t want to get lost in the backdrop. There are a number of ways to make sure you stand out. 1. Pick a color that everyone notices, or lots of colors. 2. Make sure your embroidery or decoration makes a statement about who you are. Classy, tasteful and subtle or in your face over the top. Either is acceptable as long as it is well done. 3. Make sure everyone gets the memo. Dress all of you employees. Make sure it all works together. You could have them pick from their personal wardrobe, but is that worth the risk? For more advice, read our blog post on selecting Trade Show Shirts.

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