Branding With Logo Golf Shirts

Posted By: Randy McKernan Date: September 01, 2017

On vacation this summer 1200 miles away I had a sense of pride in noticing logoed shirts  from several of our customers.  We ship all over the US and we have customers in all parts of the world, but you don’t really appreciate that until you leave home and see your work 1200 miles away, or pass someone in an airport wearing an embroidered golf shirt we provided.

This is also a commentary on the power of branding, especially the power of branding with apparel. In the 35+ years I’ve been selling logoed shirts we have encountered an evolution of acceptability that has been a benefit to our business and to the customers who purchase or products.

35 years ago logo shirts were mostly uniform shirts or overpriced golf shirts from a favorite golf or country club. The former were seldom worn outside of the work place, and the latter were reserved for those who could afford them (or wanted others to think they could). Uniform shirts were engineered more for utility and function that comfort or fashion. “Golf Shirts” were more for fashion (or show) than for function.

Today we have the best of both worlds across the board. Uniform polo shirts are both fashionable and functionable.  Most import to this market is the vast selection of high quality brand name golf polos that are available to help carry YOUR brand.  These shirts are comfortable, fashion forward, and socially acceptable.  Along with the trend toward business casual apparel this evolution has made wearing logo polo shirts an everyday occurrence from the board room to the factory floor and everywhere in between.  What an opportunity for Branding! Who doesn’t want their brand displayed and seen on shirts by people everywhere? Many companies measure branding success by the number of “impressions” they receive from their marketing. I admit to being bias, but I can’t imagine a much better return on a marketing  investment than a quality golf shirt with your logo. One that gets worn repeatedly in pubic until it gets worn out.

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